Sunday, January 20, 2013

Where have you been?!?!

Sorry for the long delay in posts!  Life took over! This school year has been probably the most challenging yet.  I'm teaching first grade again, but also I'm grade chair, CSI co-chair, and the union rep.  Yes, somehow "sucker" was written across my forehead in permanent marker!  However, next year I will not be doing as much!

I'm looking forward to coming home to visit this summer.  I'm hoping to be there a solid 8 weeks! Lots of shopping to do!

I start my Master's on January 31 and  I should be done by January of next year! When I have that I may think about moving back to Florida as a college instructor or assistant principal.  Yikes!

Anyway - email, Skype, FB or text me if you want to catch up!

1 comment:

  1. I knew there had to have been a method to the madness! But it sounds like fun regardless - so no additional tours? Coming home after just 2 years :(? Can I have your slot? LOL
