Sunday, August 14, 2011

The New Classroom

Here are some before shots of my new classroom.  It has  A LOT of storage.  I know everything can be easily stored here.  Do you see the refrigerator? Apparently every classroom has on of them! This week and next week as I begin working on it I will update the post with more photos.  The only sad thing I saw was my classroom printer, but with 6000 copies a month I'm not worried about it! I am going to ask for more student computers though, I only have 3 :(


  1. Aww yay to BIG WINDOWS!! And the refrigerator is pretty amazing...Hopefully cleaning it can be one of the classroom duties for the kiddies :) lol and I hope u have a ladder to get into those storage cabinets!!! I don't want to hear about u falling off a table or something trying to reach the top shelf!

  2. 6000 copies a month - I hope that includes paper and toner!
